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Atakum / Samsun
Hiperbarik Oksijen Tedavi Merkezi
Cumhuriyet mahallesi, 66 sokak no:12/A
Telefon: + 0 362 437 95 95
WhatsApp: +90 530 824 95 55
Instagram: @oksibarsamsun
Uzm.Dr. Süleyman Metin
Hava ve Uzay Hekimi
2004 yılında Gülhane Askeri Tıp Fakültesi'nden mezun oldu. 2010 yılında Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi'nde Hava ve Uzay Hekimliği ve Hiperbarik Tıp alanında uzmanlık eğitimini tamamladı.
Samsun Oksibar Hiperbarik Oksijen Tedavi Merkezi
GATA Sualtı Hekimliği ve Hiperbarik Tıp Anabilim Dalı Başkanlığı, GATA Hava ve Uzay Hekimliği Anabilim Dalı Başkanlığı ve Eskişehir Asker Hastanesi Hiperbarik Oksijen Tedavi Merkezi'nde uzman hekim; Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Hava ve Uzay Hekimliği Anabilim Dalı Başkanlığı'nda öğretim üyesi olarak görev yaptı.
Bilimsel çalışmalar
Metin, S., Senol, L., Gunduz, S.H. et al. Evaluation of Cardiac Autonomic Activity During + Gz Stress in Military Pilots. Microgravity Sci. Technol. 35, 1 (2023).
Gunduz SH, Metin S. Medical reasons for permanent and temporary disqualification of Turkish civil aviation pilots. Arch Environ Occup Health. 2024;79(3-4):113-120.
Yilmaz M, Cakmak T, Yenilmez A, Baseskioglu B, Metin S. Effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on hydrochloric acid-induced interstitial cystitis in rats: a histological and ultrastructural study. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2016 May-Jun;43(3):181-8.
Uzun G, Mutluoglu M, Metin S. The use of hyperbaric oxygen treatment for sudden sensorineural hearing loss in Europe. Diving Hyperb Med. 2016 Mar;46(1):43-6.
Cakmak T, Metin S, Balta S, Sen A, Akin A. The Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Dentistry. J Clin Diagn Res. 2015 Sep;9(9):ZL01.
Mutluoglu M, Metin S, Ibrahim Arziman, Uzun G, Yildiz S. The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for carbon monoxide poisoning in Europe. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2016 Jan-Feb;43(1):49-56.
Cakmak T, Battal B, Kara K, Metin S, Demirbas S, Yildiz S, Uzun G. A case of tension pneumothorax during hyperbaric oxygen therapy in an earthquake survivor with crush injury complicated by ARDS (adult respiratory distress syndrome). Undersea Hyperb Med. 2015 Jan-Feb;42(1):9-13.
Karaman D, Metin S, Kara K, Ozdemir A, Yildiz S, Durukan I, Almbaidheen M, Uzun G, Turkbay T. Neuropsychological Evaluation of Children and Adolescents With Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2016 May;32(5):303-6.
Cakmak T, Metin S, Yaman H, Demirbas S, Yildiz S, Turker T, Akin A. The effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on ischemia-modified albumin levels in people with diabetes with foot ulcers. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2014 Jul-Aug;41(4):277-81.
Gokce G, Metin S, Erdem U, Sobaci G, Durukan AH, Cagatay HH, Ekinci M. Late hyperbaric oxygen treatment of cilioretinal artery occlusion with nonischemic central retinal vein occlusion secondary to high altitude. High Alt Med Biol. 2014 Apr;15(1):84-8.
Çakar M, Metin S, Balta Ş, Öztürk C, Demirkol S, Çakmak T, İnal S, Çelik T, İyisoy A, Ünlü M, Şen A. Military jet pilots have higher p-wave dispersions compared to the transport aircraft aircrew. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2016;29(4):563-72.
Akın A, Ozturk C, Aparci M, Cakmak T, Metin S, Balta S, Sen A. Age and Aortic Diameters in Pilots. Mil Med. 2015 Dec;180(12):1262-7.
Infection Agents Detected with Wound Culture in Patients with Diabetic Foot who will Undergo Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment. April 2012, TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 11(2):205-210.
Frequency of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Turkey in 2010. October 2011, TAF Preventive Bulletin. 10(5):587.
The Role of Oxygen Therapies in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. August 2011, TAF Preventive Bulletin.10(4):487.